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Adolescence can be a challenging time for the whole family. It is a transitional time where teens are no longer children but not quite adults. Preparing for the future can be an overwhelming and scary task. Building a sense of identity while managing the expectations of family and social pressures may create difficulties at home or in school. Adolescents may also be struggling to build a sense of independence while fostering closeness and connection with loved ones.

Therapy can help teens and parents navigate all of these conflicts, build communication, and manage stress,  anxiety,  and depression.

Understanding the unique developmental tasks and challenges for each teen is crucial in gaining an understanding of their problems and strengths. It is my belief that parents and family are an invaluable part of the treatment. It is always a goal of mine to strengthen those bonds and include parents in treatment as much as is possible while maintaining the trust and confidentiality of the teen.

I utilize my experience working in school settings and years in post graduate training at the Ackerman Institute for the Family and the Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy to assess and intervene in an age appropriate way.

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